Why Choose Zetta Heat Pump


The idea for Zetta came to me through my work as a Heat Pump R&D Engineer and a Plumber over the last 20 years. I was exposed to the problems homeowners have in sourcing specialised service companies in the heat pump industry and the restrictive nature of booking a service for the customer with poor reliability often the case.

It didn't have to be like this. I believed that the renewable services industry could change into one which was transparent & fair, technology enabled to ensure the customer receives the required service at a time that suits them. With set prices, orders processed, on time service and everything in between Zetta have control.

I set up Zetta to lead that change focusing on customer experience as well as providing a high-quality service. With technology driven processes we provide quality and service at every stage. Outside work hours, I’m a busy family man who enjoys running and relaxing … although life rarely slows down enough to get the chance!

Have a look here for more information and I’d love to connect!

A Message from Gearoid Harvey - Managing Director

I have worked within all aspects of the Plumbing and Renewable Heating industry for over 20 years. With climate change being one of the biggest topics in recent times, renewable technology will help us all to correct the damage done to the environment by burning fossil fuels.

​After working as a qualified plumber for a number of years I decided to undertake a degree in Mechanical Engineering where I continued to increase my knowledge of the renewable industry.

I then joined Joule Group as an Engineer supporting Heat Pump installers throughout Ireland and subsequently became R&D Manager leading Heat Pump design and test projects for a number of years.

Zetta heat pump offices
Zetta heat pump