Get a Heat Pump Quote from Zetta Heat Pump

Why Choose Zetta Heat Pump!

  • Easy Online Form

    Fill out our simple online form with your contact details and information about your home or business to start the process.

  • Personal Consultation

    Request a consultation to discuss your heating needs, property suitability, and potential grants for installing a heat pump system.

  • Customised Quote

    Receive a tailored quote based on your specific requirements and the details of our consultation.

  • Expert Guidance

    Let our experienced team guide you through the benefits and installation process of our efficient heat pump systems.



  • Air to water heat pumps extract heat from outdoor air and transfer it indoors to heat your home and water. They're efficient and effective even in colder climates, making them a great choice for Ireland.

  • Heat pumps offer significant energy savings, lower carbon emissions, and can be cheaper to run than fossil-fuel-based systems, making them both environmentally and financially beneficial.

  • The process includes a site survey, detailed quote, system design tailored to your property, and professional installation by certified technicians.

  • Initial costs vary, but long-term savings on energy bills and various government grants available in Ireland, like the SEAI grant, can offset these expenses significantly.

  • Heat pumps require minimal maintenance, usually an annual check by a professional. They have a long lifespan, often over 15 years, providing a reliable heating solution.

  • Most homes can accommodate a heat pump, but suitability depends on insulation levels, space for the outdoor unit, and your heating requirements. A professional assessment is recommended to determine the best solution.